hundred years ago, a band of Crusaders rode off to Jerusalem in search
of the Holy Grail and entered the ancient war of the Light against
Dark, Good vs. Evil. Having raged since time began, that war is about
to involve us again whether we like it or not. Do we run from it,
or do we unlock the ancient conspiracy that guards the Holy Grail
of being before it is too late?
That's the question finally answered by The Voice
Commissioned by Oliver Stone, the story originated with journalists Paul Fitzgerald and Elizabeth Gould's adventures in Afghanistan during the Soviet occupation. It grew into an investigation of the esoteric connection between crusaders, mystical holy warriors, the CIA and pursuit of the Holy Grail. The Voice is a love story born of dreams with the Black Knight as the mythic guide that foretells the next "Holy War" against Islam. The dreams open a door to Hollywood's hold on image and reveals how perception is a holographic vision of past, present and future.
the Voice
sample pages 1 - 3 of
the research paper
of the various theories of sociology which have inspired Western
thought in the last 80 years makes possible a complete explanation
of what is happening in the world today.
This is due
to the fact that most of these doctrines have regarded the evolution
of mankind as an organic whole. They have neglected to take into
consideration an anachronistic survival of a creation of the Middle
Ages which is arising out of the distant past.
To speak of
the actual Middle Ages as influencing contemporary events brings
a smile to the lips.
Yet, certain
world wide economic currents can only be understood by the disclosure
of an entanglement of interests extending back to the Middle Ages.
This entanglement has developed a monster-like existence through
the course of the centuries.....and it remains a well-concealed,
well organized conspiracy with all its ramifications - a conspiracy
aiming at world conquest and subordinating all moral considerations
to its aim.
To turn back
to the Middle Ages in explaining world problems, might seem fantastic
to those who believe that civilization as a whole has experienced
considerable progress since then. Nevertheless. We must yield to
the evidence that it is not possible to explain a series of contemporary
phenomena without going back to their distant sources, some six
or seven centuries back. So much the worse for those who do not
consider this a serious method of investigation."
Thousand-Year Conspiracy, Paul Winkler, 1943
Even though
Paul Winkler wrote these words over 50 years ago to explain Nazi
Germany as an expression of a thousand year "Teutonic Conspiracy"
to rule history, the sense that some secret agenda, some invisible
hand turns the pages of American history - seems today to "feel"
uncomfortably familiar.
JFK, Vietnam,
RFK and Martin Luther King, Watergate, Iran- Contra, BCCI have all
eluded the scrutiny given one Presidential candidate's sex life
- while the men who've perpetrated these crimes disappeared in a
"wisp of smoke " - only to emerge time after time, unscathed
and unrepentant - ready once again to shake the public facade of
the institutions to which we trust our lives.
But what if
these men, these events, as disruptive as they seem on the surface,
are not isolated accidents of corruption or greed, or even misuse
of the government, but are evidence of a hidden agenda within Western
society itself.
And what if
as Winkler says about Nazi Germany, the agenda cannot be fully appreciated
unless one examines "the entanglement of interests extending
back into the past, perhaps even to the Middle Ages?"
It's naive to
assume that in an era when American subs patrol the deepest oceans,
American satellites spy on every land mass, that a secret "brotherhood"
of Teutonic Knights should alone have plotted world conquest.
The British
"aristocracy's" control of world commerce for hundreds
of years was certainly no accident, while The Julian family's control
of the Roman "Republic" was a case study of plotted subterfuge.
That an "elite"
within America should "conspire" for world supremacy should
come as no great surprise. That it has managed to cloak itself entirely
in secrecy does. But what of this elite's interests "extending
into the past?" What conspiracy could be so elaborately constructed,
so secretly harbored inside the Democratic institutions of the United
States that it could extend back even before the American Revolution
to beyond the first Crusade and see the Kennedys as a threat?
The question
indeed risks a smile on contemporary lips. But the question needs
to be asked, particularly when there is mounting evidence that many
events, not just the Kennedy assassinations, can only be explained
by such a conspiracy: A conspiracy so profound and pervasive that
all the players, even the opposing ones, acquiesced in a cover up,
rather than risk the ruin a thorough investigation would bring.
"In all
probability a young man would say to himself in the words of Pindar,
'Shall I by justice or by crooked wiles climb to a loftier stronghold,
and having thus fenced myself about, live my life?' For the common
opinion declares that to be just without being also 'thought' just,
is no advantage to me....where if I am 'unjust' and get myself a
name for justice, an unspeakably happy life is promised me.
Very well then;
since the outward semblance overpowers the inward reality....I must
therefore draw around me a picture of virtue to serve as frontage,
while behind me I must trail the fox with it's cunning and shiftiness."
"Yes but,
it will be objected, it is not an easy matter to conceal one's wickedness.
No, we shall reply, nor is anything else easy that is great."
"To assist
in keeping up the deception, we will form secret societies and clubs.
There are moreover, teachers of persuasion, who impart skills in
popular and forensic oratory; and so by fair means or by foul we
shall gain our ends and carry on our dishonest proceedings with
The Republic. Book II p.48
Common 20th
century interpretation of Plato's argument assumes Plato is merely
stating a case for 'secret societies', not recommending them.
While desiring
to agree with these assumptions, it must be pointed out the response
his argument elicits does not effectively rebut the need for secret
societies and secondly that modern purveyors of this assumption
are indeed.... "teachers of persuasion, who impart skills in
popular and forensic oratory." And of course are well schooled
in Neo-Platonic thought.
In addition
it might also be revealed that Plato, the single most important
thinker in Greco-Christian morality and civilization was himself
an initiate in an exclusive all male 'secret society' known as the
"Orphic or Eleusian Mysteries."
"He mentions
them several times with reverence and his teachings appear in many
ways to have been inspired by them." Winkler, p.264
While the 'secret'
of the Mysteries was carefully guarded and their exposure punishable
by death, it is written they were held by an Orphic brotherhood
who brought the secrets of the Pharaohs from Egypt and that they
involved a great number of ascetic rules in which the mysteries
were revealed in Seven Degrees.
Some Greek authors
actually credit the teachings of the Mysteries with having brought
forth civilization itself.
The reason for
the secrecy was justified in the following manner by the ancient
Greeks. "Truth is of divine origin and is revealed only to
the few who make the necessary effort to get close to it. Having
received the truth with no effort they would not appreciate it and
might misuse it." Winkler.
The motive attributed
to the Greeks might be considered noble by those who were possessed
of the higher learning. But the suspicion is that these mysteries
somehow disadvantaged the population at large and required secrecy
for fear that truth might turn the population against the secret
brotherhood that possessed them.
Whatever the
ultimate purpose of the Mysteries in Greece and their secret, they
served to establish by rational argument an exclusive 'esoteric'
religion for the few, while relegating the uninitiated to simplistic
'exoteric' religions; thereby establishing the philosophical basis
for secret societies to be constructed within the framework of both
the modern church and state from it's inception. i.e. to give "civilization"
an outward appearance for public consumption and an inward program
for the initiate.
What that inward
program really is and why warfare and assassination would become
a vital part of it's expression is what the "Voice" will
soon reveal.
the Voice Research Paper
(pages 1 - 27)
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